Handpicked, Exceptional Tutors
Master Tutors
Master Tutors are subject experts.
They have at least five years of teaching experience in their subject area, and an exceptional ability to communicate the content and the concepts of their particular expertise in a way that students understand.
Each of these highly experienced educators would be the highest-level tutor at any of our competitors.
Elite Tutors
Elite tutors are among the most experienced members of the Achieve Team.
They are experts in multiple subject areas who can work continuously with a student to leverage their mastery of one subject to additional areas of concern.
They can handle just about anything thrown at them in their area of expertise, and most can help with virtually any school subject.
Founder's Circle Tutors
Founder’s Circle tutors are a rare commodity.
They are the most sought after professionals in the industry having multiple degrees and multiple areas of expertise.
Members of our Founder’s Circle work directly with student, or they can facilitate a program of study or design a program of study and assign an Elite or Master Tutor that would best match the needs of the student.